A cat in the garden means very few birds!

The garden is very lively with bird chatter but it all seems to be coming from the house sparrows, I do love to hear the sparrows. Ā Just found out why the garden is so quiet a cat, why is it that cats are allowed to enter someone elseā€™s garden? Ā Dogs arenā€™t, also cats carry more diseases that humans can catch which is terrible if youā€™re someone who eats from a home grown garden. I think itā€™sĀ Latent Toxoplasmosis is one of the really bad ones and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the one that causes a lot of young men to have car accidents, as it slows down reaction time in humans especially 20 somethings men, but is rarely checked for. Ā So todayā€™s bird list is very low:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 2
  3. House Sparrow x 5
  4. Woodpigeon x 2

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