Front garden bird watching today, plus more wildlife gardening tips.

The fog has gottenĀ incrediblyĀ thick here in Edinburgh tonight, whoā€™s bright idea was it to get the central heating replaced in February? Ā Oh thatā€™s right mine! Ā Itā€™s freezing! Ā Due to works going on in all the back rooms today I didnā€™t really get a chance to see the back garden and instead had to watch a small part of hedge in the front and got one good surprise hereā€™s what I was lucky enough to see:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Carrion crow x 1 ā€“ fly over
  3. Dunnock x 1
  4. Grey Heron x 1 ā€“ fly over
  5. Woodpigeon x 2

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve used this photo on here, but one of my regular carrion crows that flies over the garden:

Carrion Crow

Carrion Crow

Yesterday I posted up about wildlife gardening and wanted to mention another great post that gives good information about planting not only nectar rich flowers and plants for adult butterflies but also adding plants for caterpillars:Ā Gardening for butterflies ā€“ adults v caterpillars | Butterflies and Gardens