The day became fantastically sunny in Edinburgh, Bird Guides Photo of the week.

Another busy day today, but the afternoon was glorious and sunny so I went out to cut back the Buddleia in my garden, the plant recommend on the Butterfly Conservation top 100, while doing this I was treated to the wonderful chirps of the little bobbing long-tailed tits, there were 2 feeding on the fat in the RSPB half coconuts, absolutely superb birds full of character, I’m pretty positive there were more near by but I didn’t see them, so just 2 have been added today:

  1. Blackbird x 1
  2. Blue Tit x 3
  3. Coal Tit x 1
  4. Dunnock x 4
  5. Long-tailed tit x 2
  6. Magpie x 1
  7. Woodpigeon x 2