Sunny with a few snow flakes in Edinburgh today. Garden Bird List.

Had another busy day getting the finance pages updated for the Australian website, Aussies often have to pay for standard bank accounts but they can get a bank account for free (I did the whole time I was living there) if they just look around such as: best Australian bank accounts, no fees (now closed as I move into gardening as a profession).  The reason I mention this is because I was so busy doing that and the savings account updates I didn’t get a great bird list today, not even coal tits!  However here is the list from the garden and skies above during a pretty clear and sunny day in Edinburgh:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Carrion crow x 20+ fly over
  4. Collared Dove x 2
  5. Dunnock x 3
  6. Magpie x 2 – my parents were surprised by the colours and striking look of magpies in the UK, and were also pleasantly surprised to hear they don’t swoop you during breeding season, I’ve had my ear lobe ripped open by an Aussie one – Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) Not a Corvid like European Magpies.  My hand has been hit pretty hard by a Tern here in the UK, but nothing like the Aussie magpies!
  7. Starlings x 15 fly over
  8. Woodpigeon x 3

More snow, magpies really getting their nests ready.

More snow in Edinburgh today, not as much as yesterday and didn’t seem to force the birds into the garden, the starlings are start to gather in a slightly bigger group of over 30 today, was great to see, also watched as Magpies broke twigs off the trees in the front garden to build their nest in the monkey puzzle tree (this link may take you to the website due to change of host) that I photographed a few weeks back.  It was a day of a fair bit of work, finally starting to get the finance section for Australia together the credit cards section done, which can be seen here: best credit card deals in Australia (now closed as I move into gardening as a profession), not a big list, but great to see the birds flying across the sky:

  1. Blackbird x 2, 1xm, 1xf
  2. Carrion crow x 50+ fly overs
  3. Coal Tit x 1
  4. Collared Dove x 1
  5. Magpie x 2 – they’re making their nest in the monkey puzzle tree
  6. Starlings x 30+
  7. Woodpigeon x 2 – my parents are shocked at the size of these pigeons in the UK

Added Collared Dove to my list today :D

Well done to England in the Rugby, probably the more exciting game of the weekend, got a bit worried about the scrums and ref at the start but things settled.  English defence is amazing!  Now onto the birds, I managed to add another first for the garden a collared dove, very happy to see one show up in the garden, although it’s the one bird my dog doesn’t seem to like due to the noise they make.

The day started with heavy snow showers, it was quickly burnt off by the sun, then returned intermittently throughout the day and as dusk rolled in was quite heavy again and is lying out there now. It was the first day the feeders were heavily used in a few weeks and were almost cleared out.  The Long Tailed Tits were back and was great to see 2 birds together inside a RSPB half coconut eating the fat, it seems to be their favourite as they dash to branches near by have a feed then back to the coconut.

Here’s my list for today:

  1. Blackbird x 1
  2. Blue Tit x 2
  3. Carrion crow x 4 fly over
  4. Coal Tit x 1
  5. Collared Dove x 1
  6. Dunnock x 1
  7. Feral Pigeon x 1
  8. Long-tailed tit x 2
  9. Magpie x 2
  10. Woodpigeon x 1

I wonder where all my house sparrows have gone?  Not seen any since February 23rd

Added Collared Dove to my list today.

Well done to England in the Rugby, probably the more exciting game of the weekend, got a bit worried about the scrums and ref at the start but things settled.  English defence is amazing!  Now onto the birds, I managed to add another first for the garden a collared dove, very happy to see one show up in the garden, although it’s the one bird my dog doesn’t seem to like due to the noise they make.

The day started with heavy snow showers, it was quickly burnt off by the sun, then returned intermittently throughout the day and as dusk rolled in was quite heavy again and is lying out there now. It was the first day the feeders were heavily used in a few weeks and were almost cleared out.  The Long Tailed Tits were back and was great to see 2 birds together inside a RSPB half coconut eating the fat, it seems to be their favourite as they dash to branches near by have a feed then back to the coconut.

Here’s my list for today:

  1. Blackbird x 1
  2. Blue Tit x 2
  3. Carrion crow x 4 fly over
  4. Coal Tit x 1
  5. Collared Dove x 1
  6. Dunnock x 1
  7. Feral Pigeon x 1
  8. Long-tailed tit x 2
  9. Magpie x 2
  10. Woodpigeon x 1

I wonder where all my house sparrows have gone?  Not seen any since February 23rd