Gust of wind blows a flock of gulls over my garden.

A very quiet day in the garden today, didnā€™t get to see a lot of birds at all, but nice to see the Coal tit back, there were about 70 gulls flying overhead but I couldnā€™t tell you what type they were as they were caught in a massive gust of wind and went by very fast. Ā Would love to be out seeing cracking birds such as the Water Rail that was photo of the week on Bird Guides –Ā Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus)Ā – Hereā€™s my list of birds I saw today:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 2
  3. Coal Tit x 1
  4. Greenfinch x 2
  5. Woodpigeon x 2

On the gust of wind –Ā about 70 gulls, but not sure what type.Ā 

Lots of insects about in very windy conditions.

The wind has really picked up here in Edinburgh, even with the massive amount of wind about there were a lot of insects in the air today and few birds, I gather the insect prey is too great of an attraction than the seed I put out for them. Ā Strangely not a single coal tit, thatā€™s a very rare situation! Ā Hereā€™s the bird list for today:

  1. Blackbird x 3
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Chaffinch x 1
  4. Feral Pigeon x 1
  5. Greenfinch x 2
  6. House Sparrow x 3
  7. Woodpigeon x 2

Only 5 species in my garden today.

Sorry my carpal tunnelā€™s flared very badly over the last few days, I would have liked to have written more about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and other posts. Ā On top of the birds listed below there were 5 gulls flying over head but I couldnā€™t see what they were. Ā Hereā€™s the list from my garden today:

  1. Blackbird x 3
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Coal Tit x 1
  4. House Sparrow x 6
  5. Robin x 1

Second attempt at the Big Garden Birdwatch on a very sunny day.

Today I did a second 1 hour bird count for the RSPBā€™s big garden birdwatch, the weather was nice and sunny and amazingly there were insects out again so few birds were in the garden feeding as there was plenty of food elsewhere. Ā Only 3 species showed up, the always faithful blackbird ā€“ I think itā€™s been listed in every single garden counts Iā€™ve done this year! Ā Hereā€™s the extensive full list:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Coal Tit x 1
  3. House Sparrow x 6

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch ā€“ Day 1.

Hi all, Iā€™ve been busy getting ready for Australia day celebrations and I only got an hour of straight birdwatching for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, normally I look out the window when getting lunch, breakfast etc. Ā I hope to get a better count tomorrow for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, todayā€™s list wasnā€™t as full as my usual list of garden birds:

  1. Blackbird x 1
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Coal Tit x 2
  4. Fieldfare x 1 ā€“ this one was later than the hour I did, once again my dog alerted me to the fact there was a different bird that he doesnā€™t recognise the call.
  5. Greenfinch x 1
  6. House Sparrow x 2
  7. Magpie x 9
  8. Robin x 1

Donā€™t forget the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend!

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is starting tomorrow so make sure you count your birds and submit it, more here: Big Garden Birdwatch AdĀ andĀ The RSPB: Big Garden Birdwatch. Ā I had another first for the year, anĀ Oystercatcher, not in my garden although I have seen one in the past during the very wet July of 2012 and we live on a hill! Ā It was on a field on Carrington Road Edinburgh.

Hereā€™s my Garden List:

  1. Blackbird x 1
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Bullfinch x 1
  4. Coal Tit x 3
  5. Greenfinch x 4
  6. House Sparrow x 2
  7. Long-Tailed Tit x 2
  8. Woodpigeon x 3

And the 1 Oystercatcher:

  1. Oystercatcher

A good list for just looking during breakfast & lunch.

Once again my listingā€™s a bit later than normal today, a lot on at the moment. Ā Still had a chance to check at breakfast & lunch for a few birds and came up with a decent list, including just one fieldfare today:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Carrion crow x 6
  4. Coal Tit x 2
  5. Dunnock x 1
  6. Fieldfare x 1
  7. Greenfinch x 2
  8. House Sparrow x 4
  9. Robin x 1
  10. Woodpigeon x 1

Hopefully have a few more photos for the site soon.

The birds I saw today were in my garden:

2 fieldfare show up, another first for the year!

Sorry my post is so late, sadly itā€™s not because I was out birding it was due to working from 6am till 8pm with a short break to see some birds which my dog hadĀ alertedĀ me to due to the different calls they were making; he gets worried when thereā€™s different noises from the garden birds as it usually means a cat or sparrowhawk is about. Ā Today it wasnā€™t due to anyĀ predatoryĀ birds or cats but instead a pair of fieldfare making a fair bit of noise, another first for the year. Ā Hereā€™s the birds Iā€™ve seen today:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Carrion crow x 2
  4. Coal Tit x 2
  5. Dunnock x 3
  6. Fieldfare x 2
  7. Greenfinch x 1
  8. House Sparrow x 2
  9. Woodpigeon x 3

I tried to get shots of the Fieldfares but they were far away in bad light, I did get some record shots which I hope to add soon.

Once again it was in my garden.

Snow clearing and more birds starting to show.

I hope everyoneā€™s had a good day, if youā€™ve been out birding feel free to join the site andĀ add your bird listsĀ to the website and share the joy of birding with the world! Ā My garden was a little busier than yesterday and almost all the snow has melted here in Edinburgh, although the Pentlands still look fantastic with their white covering. Ā Hereā€™s my garden bird list for today:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 1
  3. Coal Tit x 1
  4. Dunnock x 1
  5. Greenfinch x 5
  6. House Sparrow x 2
  7. Magpie x 2
  8. Woodpigeon x 4

My location as ever in my garden.