Gust of wind blows a flock of gulls over my garden.

A very quiet day in the garden today, didn’t get to see a lot of birds at all, but nice to see the Coal tit back, there were about 70 gulls flying overhead but I couldn’t tell you what type they were as they were caught in a massive gust of wind and went by very fast.  Would love to be out seeing cracking birds such as the Water Rail that was photo of the week on Bird Guides – Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) – Here’s my list of birds I saw today:

  1. Blackbird x 2
  2. Blue Tit x 2
  3. Coal Tit x 1
  4. Greenfinch x 2
  5. Woodpigeon x 2

On the gust of wind – about 70 gulls, but not sure what type.