Spring finally on the way in Edinburgh?

The Long-tailed tits were so close to me today, it was fantastic!  Maybe less than a foot away, great views for a few seconds, then they were on their way again.  The Magpie I did see was once again collecting nesting material, this time it looked like moss so maybe close to finishing their nest.  2 of the woodpigeons were mating, another great sign of spring, we’ve missed most of the snow, hope for a few fine days soon!  My garden bird list and 1 feral pigeon that I spotted from the car:

  1. Black-headed Gull x 3 – flyovers.
  2. Bullfinch x 2, 1xm, 1xf
  3. Dunnock x 2
  4. Feral Pigeon x 1 – not in my garden, on Ballgreen Road.
  5. Long-tailed tit x 2
  6. Magpie x 1
  7. Starlings x 9
  8. Woodpigeon x 3

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