Garden Bird list for 4th of August 2013, thought I wasn’t going to see a Dunnock

For a long time today I didn’t see a single Dunnock and I was surprised, then one turned up at the same time as house sparrow, also had a common buzzard high overhead, wish I could get better at telling my gulls from the ground!

  1. Blue Tit x 1
  2. Carrion crow x 5 fly over
  3. Common Buzzard x 1 once again getting mobbed by gulls, not sure on the sorts of gulls.
  4. Dunnock x 1
  5. Greenfinch x 2
  6. House Sparrow x 1
  7. Jackdaw x 1
  8. Magpie x 1
  9. Swifts x a fair few flying over, maybe 15 to 20.
  10. Swallows x 1 flying quite low to the ground
  11. Woodpigeon x 2

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