- Blackbird x 2
- Blue Tit x 1 – going into the nestbox, there’s still hope there’s something in there.
- Carrion crow x 2 Flyovers
- Coal Tit x 1
- Collared Dove x 1
- Dunnock x 5 – most I’ve seen at once, I also found a nest and a rejected egg, the egg was a bit away from the nest and sitting in a bush, I was surprsied to see something so bright blue amongst the green. Guess the poor little guy just didn’t survive, it did get very cold yesterday.
- Great Tit x 1 – first I’ve seen in the garden for a bit.
- Greenfinch x 1
- House Sparrow x 1 – also first I’ve seen in a long time in the garden.
- Magpie x 1
- Starlings x 1 – flyover
- Woodpigeon x 2
Below are comments that got lost when the website went down.
Wes Donze said on May 25, 2013
good selection – nice to see 5 Dunnock – shame about the egg – could be the parent rejected it
Hope the Blue tit nests in the box – ned to get new boxes up for next year myself