Just after midnight last night I heard a Tawny Owl, first I’ve heard since moving into my new place a bit further down Corstorphine Hill than I used to live, a bit of a surprise as there’s a lot less trees around here. Thanks to Edinburgh Hawkwatch for their page on – Tawny Owl – Edinburgh for a little more detail about Tawny Owls in the area. Whilst watching the Rugby I noticed a very large bird arrive on the horizon I thought that’s too big to be a gull it has to be something else, it continued to fly straight towards me and it was a heron, another first for the year, here’s the garden bird list I’ve seen today:
- Blackbird x 3
- Blue Tit x 2
- Chaffinch x 4
- Coal Tit x 1
- Grey Heron x 1 – fly over
- House Sparrow x 6
- Tawny Owl x 1 – heard only
- Woodpigeon x 1
- Wren x 1